逃脫達人 - Escape Action

by MobiGrow



安卓平台最佳免費解密遊戲逃脫達人震撼來襲!你能完成遊戲內的重重謎題挑戰,逃脫所有的房間嗎? 你是一名專職對頂級安全監獄進行可靠性檢測的安全專家,你的日常工是探尋監獄的漏洞並徒手逃脫。可就在某一天,當你一覺醒來,卻發現自己受人陷害,被監禁到一所廖無人煙的秘密古堡。古堡裡有無數相互連通的神秘房間,但是這些房間的門窗都被鎖住了,你需要憑藉自己的經驗和技能打開這些房間並逃脫古堡。
玩法介紹: - 通過點觸、傾斜​​、搖動、旋轉你的手機來解開所有的謎題 - 找到房間內的隱藏物體並使用它們找到打開房間的方法
遊戲特色: - 令人稱奇的高品質畫面!針對移動設備深度優化調節的交互!獨一無二的音樂和音效!- 60+極具挑戰的關卡,更多關卡即將推出,敬請期待! - 15項遊戲內成就等你完成,更有每日好禮等你領取!
Escape Action is #1 FREE PUZZLE GAME on Android. Can you solve all the challenging puzzles and escape the rooms?
You are a security expert specializing in testing the reliability of maximum security prisons. You job is to exploit the weaknesses of the prisons and escape without a hitch. But one day after you woke up, you found yourself framed and incarcerated in a secret house which is full of mystery rooms on different floors. You have to use your skills to break out of the rooms in order to escape and avoid death. Now solve the puzzles and find all the hidden objects that you can use in the rooms to escape and find out who trapped you!
How to Play:- Tap, Tilt, Shake and Rotate you cell phone to solve the puzzles- You can also pick up hidden items in the room and use them to find out a solution
Game Features:- Stunning graphics with a highly polished interface and distinctive soundtrack - 100+ toughest levels to keep you stick to the game- 15 in-game achievements and daily bonus to earn